A Digni-tea', an afternoon tea to discuss the 10 Dignity Do's
04 February 2020
Services across our organisation celebrated Dignity Action Day with a host of events and activities that promote our core value of treating people with dignity and respect.
With most of the population being in contact with care services at some point in their lives, it is essential that individuals feel comfortable and respected while they're at their most vulnerable. Dignity Action Day, an annual event that takes place at the beginning of February, is designed to raise awareness and support the conversation surrounding dignified care.
The day aims to ensure that those receiving care are treated fairly as individuals and are given a choice over their daily lives. As part of the national conversation, Optalis is helping to ensure that dignified care is a reality for all of our customers by hosting a series of events and activities to promote Dignity in Care.
The celebrations are being led by our dedicated Dignity Champions. These champions help to steer this initiative all year round, continually improving practice. The newly formed Dignity Champions Network, provides the champions with additional support to enable them to fulfil this important role.
Optalis Learning Disability Day Services across Wokingham, Windsor and Maidenhead hosted a 'Digni-tea', an afternoon tea where they welcomed customers, carers and family members. During the session, the campaign’s 10 Dignity Dos were discussed. The list includes having a zero-tolerance for abuse and enabling people to retain as much independence for as long as possible. In addition, the Boyn Grove Drama Group have started working on a short play about dignity to showcase to their audience the importance of dignified care.
The Older People Day Services created 'Digni-Trees’ featuring leaves and flowers adorned with words or phrases from customers about what dignity and respect means to them. While the Westmead Physical Disability Day Service opted to discuss dignity over a fish and chip lunch.

Elsewhere in the organisation, the Physical Disabilities and Older People Team hosted a Quality Circle with practice-based discussions about how dignity relates to the social care professionals working within the team.
Charlie Ireland, Dignity Champion at the Learning Disability Day Service, commented: "At Optalis, we ensure the people in our care are treated as individuals, are given choice, control and a sense of purpose in their daily activities and are provided with stimulating activities.
"Dignity Action Day is a fantastic initiative that opens the conversation between staff and customers about respect, kindness and, of course dignity. Moreover, it's a fantastic opportunity to provide a memorable day for the people we support.”
Dignity Action Day is a national initiative led by the Dignity in Care Campaign and its key partners to bring staff and members of the public together to make a difference to those in care.
For more information about Dignity Action Day, please visit: https://www.dignityincare.org....
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