Ace students celebrate success
30 June 2019
On the 26 June 2019, our Ace at Optalis students celebrated successfully completing their training course to transition from college to the work environment. Over the past year, we have worked with 13 students and supported them with their transition from college to the work environment.
This year 100% of the students achieved their aspirations or goals, and an amazing 90% of students have moved into paid employment. This is a great achievement for the students and of great benefit to their employers, who have gained some very hardworking and dedicated team members.
The job-focused course run by our Supported Employment Service prepares students with a wide range of disabilities to source and sustain employment.
The course - Ace@Optalis - involves students from the Reading College attending Optalis Head Office at Trinity Court and taking part in Skills Studio sessions, which includes specialist 1-1 job coaching, travel training, work experience and paid work.
Statements from our students include: “Ace at Optalis has helped me build my confidence and get my first paid job” “I have become more independent travelling and have more knowledge on what to expect in a paid job” “When I started Ace @ Optalis I was shy and didn’t have any confidence, now I feel more confident, not as shy and have a paid job”
The bespoke course was set up by Optalis and Reading College five years ago and continues to see success year on year with students achieving their employment aspirations.
The supported employment team also work with local employers to secure job opportunities for the students on completion of the course. Students have previously received offers of paid work in roles such as a trainee website administrator, coffee shop assistant and retail assistant position
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