Active Lives now available in RBWM for FREE

Active Lives is a FREE, EASY TO USE interactive website designed to help people stay active, fit and healthy – without needing equipment or going to classes.

It has been developed by researchers at Southampton University and people who used and tested the site for 1 year.

Active lives helps people improve their strength and fitness levels easily and safely. The suggested activities fit in around daily life and are tailored to every fitness level.

“I like Active Lives because I can fit the activity in without having to go to a gym, or go to a club. I tend to do them more frequently than I would if I went somewhere.” Sheila, 66

It has been designed by experts and members of the public – making it easy to use and safe for everyone.

“It's very clear and easy to use. It's very helpful.” Annie, 80

People who used Active Lives in a clinical trial found that each week they did:

  • 173 minutes more of activities and
  • 43 minutes more of strength training

Using Active Lives can help you improve your quality of life, prevent falls and to live independently.

“Active Lives keeps you going. It pushes you in the right direction. I am not at all athletic, but it’s pushed me to actually start doing things which I knew I should have done before and didn’t.” James, 74 

Active Lives is free to use and can be found at this address:

Active Lives poster

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Ability Catering's biggest event yet!

This festive season, the Ability Catering team stretched their catering skills providing freshly prepared food and snacks for their biggest event to date, preparing food for over 170 people.