Community Lives services in Maidenhead join in the Christmas Tree Festival at St. Lukes Church
14 December 2023
Customers from our Community Lives services in Maidenhead joined in the Christmas Tree Festival at St. Lukes Church this year. Our OPTALIS tree was decorated by people we support, assisted by Jo Werrett who leads our ArtAble groups, in handmade decorations created by the ArtAble groups at Boyn Grove. The Festival raised an amazing amount of money for it’s chosen charity this year, which was Number 22 Counselling service, and also much needed funds for the church. In front of each tree was a donation box which not only raised money but also served as a vote for the ‘Best Dressed Tree’. Our tree was named as one of the Runners Up, which is fantastic as there were over 70 trees on display.
During the Festival, customers went to the church to look at and admire the trees on display, with the sights and smells it was a fantastic sensory experience and wonderful to see the reactions on people’s faces when they entered and walked through the aisles, a lovely festive atmosphere.
In response to the Festival, Rev. Sally Lynch thanked everyone for their contributions and said;
‘The trees looked stunning, so much thought and care had gone into each one. As ever, they created a lovely atmosphere and helped get us in the mood for Christmas. We were delighted that vast numbers of people came to see the trees.
Many people commented on how lovely the whole event was and how beautiful the church looked with all the trees. This year we really did represent a microcosm of the whole community with such a variety of trees and all really thoughtful. Well done everyone!

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