Dementia Care Advisor team receive a delivery of fiddle mitts
07 October 2020
Earlier last month, Belinda Dixon, Senior Dementia Care Advisor received a delivery of lots of fiddle mitts from Salma Barakat. The knitted sensory mitts have objects attached that are stimulating, soothing, colourful and interactive for those with dementia.
Salma is part of a group called ‘Knit your socks off’, set up by Samina Hussain and Sbba Siddique. The group has kindly donated them for dementia customers. The Dementia Care Advisor Team have already given some out to customers and they have been very well received.
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The Day the Seaside came to Winston Court!
Despite lockdown, all the residents of Winston Court enjoyed one of the best virtual days ever, all dressed up and ready to go in seaside gear.