Ghost mascots

Halloween Haunt with Olympic Spirit!

This Halloween, Community Lives put a delightful twist on their Olympic mascot sculptures. 
Earlier this year people who attend Community Lives day services worked together to create Olympic mascot sculptures for a creative project, handcrafting two sculptures of the iconic Olympic Phryges—the joyful red mascots based on traditional Phrygian hats. But for the Halloween season, they gave these mascots a ghostly makeover!

Now reimagined as friendly phantoms, they’ve taken up a post as giant Halloween figures as part of the Marlow Bottom Scarecrow Festival, bringing a spooky but cheerful energy to the village!

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Care Minister Stephen Kinnock MP speaking to a person we support

Care Minister Stephen Kinnock MP Visits Wokingham Borough: Highlighting the Vital Role of Social Care and Support Services

We welcomed Care Minister, Stephen Kinnock MP, to our Short Breaks service. He spoke to people about what matters to them and how good support enables them to lead the lives they want to live.