How do we keep people independent and well in the community? Workshop
23 September 2022
On 8th September colleagues working in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, came together for an event. The theme for the session was: How do we keep people independent and well in the community? The workshop included 96 representatives from the local authority, health and social care and voluntary sector groups. Helen Sargent Dar, Optalis Director of Statutory Services said:
“It was a great opportunity to share perspectives, ideas and plan together, to support the health and wellbeing of local residents.”
For the first part of the day, participants explored how services can work effectively together, and with the wider community, to meet the coming winter pressures on public services. In the afternoon, participants were invited to put forward issues or ideas that they wanted to progress. The sorts of topics they discussed included addressing social isolation and supporting vulnerable people to have warm meals and warm safe spaces this winter. These themes will continue to be developed at future events.

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