Jackie scoops award for winning Community Lives logo competition
10 August 2021
As Julia Harris, Head of Non-regulated services and her team began their next steps in their new venture, developing Community Lives, they realised that they wanted a logo to help promote the exciting new opportunities and established activities the services offer. People we support, were invited to take part in a challenge to design a new Community Lives logo.
People from across the Community Lives services rose to the challenge. Jo explains, “We had a big folder of entries, we sent all of them to David Birch, CEO and Helen Woodland, Director of Provider Services to judge.” From all of these, Jackie’s creation stood out and will be adopted as the new logo for the service.
The team arranged a small celebration with an afternoon tea, where Jackie was presented with her prize. Jackie described how she designed her logo.
“I choose people because I like friends. I sat down and did it with Jo. I used the “O” from Optalis for my design. When Jo told me, (I had won) I couldn’t believe it.”
Alongside the competition, people were asked to share artwork based on the theme of “what Community Lives means to you”. Encouraging people to share the activities they enjoy most and what they cherish about their home and neighbourhood.
Jo explained,
“We are going to use all the submissions to put together a group masterpiece, a collaborative piece of work that everyone has had the opportunity to be involved in.”
Julia explained,
“We were not looking for the most artistic design but the one that best shows how we are all part of the same community.”
The Community Lives logo will now appear on all of our materials and social media posts to make it easier for people to recognise our ongoing transformation.
Please note:
While people with disabilities are exempt from wearing masks, our team encourages those we support to do so whenever possible. Our customers may not always be able to follow our advice.
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