Optalis will be working in partnership with Wokingham Borough Council to support surge testing for the Delta variant of Covid-19
13 June 2021
Optalis are delighted to be able to offer vital office space at our Trinity Court office. With the local council juggling, a number of public health initiatives linked to the pandemic finding space to support the surge testing within the council offices became a challenge. To support the local Borough Council Optalis has stepped in and will be hosting a group of around 12 static staff and a number of drivers and delivery supporters who will be taking the PCR testing kits throughout our community. Surge testing continues this week, with the programme is set to run for two weeks (up to Monday 21 June). A mixture of onsite testing with people visiting on foot or in their vehicles is being combined with test kit drop off and collection in four Wokingham wards.
David Birch explained. "This is an excellent illustration of our organisation's ability to adapt and flex to our Shareholder and local communities' needs. Our entire head office team has been outstanding in assisting with this, putting arrangements in place within hours of the call being taken. Rooms have been set aside and designated desk areas set up to facilitate the distribution of PCR testing kits throughout our community. Our focus is always on ensuring the ongoing safety of our customers and community and we are pleased to be able to support this vital approach."
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