Out and About celebrates 5 years
10 March 2017
It’s our FIVE year anniversary so we are holding a party to celebrate the success of Out & About, an evening and weekend social service for adults with learning disabilities.
Please join us at the Acorn Centre, where there will be a gallery of photographs showing some of our customers at their activities. Get to hear about our regular weekends away – brochure available!
Come and meet the staff and find out more about our service; get to meet other users of the service. We will be pr oviding a disco and buffet, and we’ll also be holding a raffle, with some other fun games.
Thursday April 6th 2017 7p.m -9pm.
Acorn Centre, Fernlea Drive, Wokingham RG41 3DR
Please R.S.V.P. to outandabout@optalis.org for catering purposes
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