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A special birthday celebration

Philip really enjoys a party. His plans to celebrate his birthday were disrupted when his poor health, led to a hospital stay. The team, were not about to let that get in the way of his celebrations.

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Wokingham is the best place to find work in the Southeast if you have a learning disability

Optalis and Wokingham Borough Council are proud to announce that Wokingham has ranked number one in the southeast and number two in the country on the ASCOF employment figures

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The Good Care Series - Improved community integration and choice

This article explores a recent re-organisation, to support a new direction for the Community Lives Service, to further improve the quality of provision for the people we support.

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Events to help spread the word about Carers support

Dulsey Tapera is based within the Optalis First Contact Team and has been supporting a number of carers events this year to help spread the word about support available.

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Optalis Festive Operating Hours 2022

During the festive period services and teams at Optalis will offer various levels of support across our services. Below are the details about how each service will operate during the festive period.

Peoples forum

People’s Forum Autumn 2022

Loddon Court Outreach and Respite Service meet with the people they support 4 times a year, at the People’s Forum. This is a great way to involve people in shaping the service they receive.

Group photo outside Maidenhead train station

Theresa May joins celebration for specialist travel training programme and station adoption.

Maidenhead MP Theresa May joined Optalis Supported Employment Team, GWR and Southeast Communities Rail Partnership at a special event to celebrate the success of the ‘Try a Train’ programme.

Dance steps

New dance fitness activity starting November ~ join us!

A dancing session, specifically for people with learning disabilities held at the Acorn Community Centre, Fernlea Drive, Wokingham RG41 3DR

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Support for Carers

The Support for Carers Service, provided through Optalis in partnership with the Royal Borough and NHS Frimley, supports carers to continue with their important caring role.

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A new start with help from the Peripatetic Team

Rob worked with his social worker to apply to move to a new home. At age 54, he felt it was time to move on to his own space. The Peri team helped make sure that this move went smoothly.