Our latest news
Kelly’s slimming success
8 months into her health journey with Slimming World, Kelly's hard work has paid off!
A Game Changer for Matt
Matt's love for football is back! With support from Optalis & a carer’s pass, he's enjoying live matches again.
Free Carers Networking Lunch
Chat with fellow carers over lunch. Share your experiences and talk through issues and ways of coping. We will be sharing information about community resources alongside practical advice and guidance.
Community Lives customers get together for a Planning Day.
Community Lives customers get together for a Planning Day.
Try a train workshops a great success
The Optalis Supported Employment team have been working with people to become more confident using train travel, in partnership with Great Western Railway and Southeast Communities Rail Partnership
Celebrating the impact of Co-Production
To celebrate Co-Production week 2022, we decided to reflect on the progress of a project in our Community Lives Service.
Time to Talk
A group of customers and staff met at Westmead to take a moment to think about the impact that the pandemic has had on all our lives, both the positives and negatives.
The Good Care Series - Carers Support
Our next articles focuses on the support we provide to unpaid Carers. A Carer is anyone who cares, unpaid for a friend or family member who is unable to cope without this support
Ability Catering's First Event at Windsor and Eton Station Adoption Celebration
Ability Catering supported a special event on the 1 June with South Western Railway, who celebrated Her Majesty The Queen’s historic Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of dedicated service.
This Volunteers Week Carly is sharing her volunteering story
This Volunteers Week Carly is sharing her volunteering story
We’ve adopted Windsor and Eton Riverside train station!
Optalis Supported Employments Ability Travel programme have adopted Windsor and Eton Riverside Train Station.
Good Care Series - Communicating with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities
We’ve been talking to customers and colleagues to find out what good care looks like. Our first article explores how we provide support to people with profound and multiple learning disabilities.