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Changes to the Sensory Needs Service

Read about important changes to the Sensory Needs Team, taking effect from August 1, 2014.

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We're looking for people who really care

Optalis are currently recruiting for Homecare workers, and on Friday July 25, our Head Office in Wokingham opens its doors to the public for an informal Homecare Recruitment Open Day!

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Optalis hold a successful Recruitment Open Day!

On Wednesday June 25, Optalis' HR Team held an open afternoon for members of the public interested in working in our Homecare Team. The afternoon was really successful, with around 21 people turning up to speak to HR staff and Homecare managers.  

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Out and About turns two!

Our Out and About Service celebrates its second birthday this month with an evening event on June 27.

Activities Coordinator Angela Brench with handmade thank you card

Pinehaven thanks Easthampstead Rotary Club

Easthampstead Rotary Club has been supporting Pinehaven Day Service over the past year through taking part in a number of events and activities.

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Earley Day Service achieves accreditation

Optalis are delighted to announce that our Earley Day Service is now accredited by Support with Confidence (SWC) - a joint initiative between West Berkshire and Wokingham’s local authorities.

STAR Team Award

Supported Employment crowned with Team Award!

Our Supported Employment Service (SES) Team were one of four teams nominated (internally) by others for our annual Team STAR Award. At the end of May, they were crowned the winners! 

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Suffolk Lodge residents go back in time

RemPods are scenes which 'pop' up and can help change the quality of life for people currently living in care homes who suffer from a form of dementia.

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Optalis get Bold in Blue for Good Care Week!

April 28 to May 4 was national Good Care Week, and as part of the week-long celebrations at Optalis, teams across our sites decided to raise money for the MS Trust’s Be Bold In Blue campaign (also running during the exact same week). 

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Optalis triumph at Great British Care Awards!

Rebecca, who works at Suffolk Lodge Care Home, won a regional award last year but walked away from the Great British Care Awards final on Saturday (April 26) with the top prize in her category of 'Care Home Coordinator'.