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Day Service customers meet a Harris Hawk!

Yesterday, some of Optalis' Day Service clients had an extraordinary experience. Steve, a Falconry Trainer was kind enough to visit the team at Earley Crescent Centre and do a demonstration and talk on falconry. He brought his Harris Hawk with him! 

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Optalis take on two Extra Care Homes

On April 1, 2014, Optalis took over the support provision for two of the borough’s Extra Care homes; Alexandra Place (Woodley), and Beeches Manor (Wokingham). Optalis are providing on-site staff support 24 hours a day, seven days per week, to both services. 

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Clients Create is unveiled!

Optalis’ first ever exhibition was unveiled at the Mall Gallery in Wokingham this month. Clients Create was officially opened by Wokingham Borough Mayor Cllr UllaKarin Clark on April 1, who was on hand to say a few words and spent a great deal of time talking with customers and their families.

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Volunteers thanked for their help

Staff from Optalis’ Day Service held a special presentation at the Acorn Community Centre to thank the 20 volunteers who help support the service.

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Optalis first LATC to sign UNISON's Ethical Care Charter

On March 11, Optalis’ chairman Bob Pitts signed UNISON’s Ethical Care Charter on behalf of the company.

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Clients Create in special art exhibition

The display will showcase a number of works by people with a physical disability and older people with dementia, as well as inspirational photographs.

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Pinehaven Day Centre gets a facelift

Pinehaven Day Centre has been spruced up in time for spring by volunteers from Easthampstead Rotary Club.

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Optalis customers melt hearts this Valentine's Day

A couple living at Optalis' Oakfield Court supported housing scheme have been kind enough to share their story with us as Valentine's Day is around the corner...

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Optalis strike it lucky at local Oscars ceremony!

On Wednesday February 5, the Learning Disability Partnership Boad (LDPB) held their first Partnership Board Oscars - the aim of which was to recognise the good work done by local individuals and groups working with the organisation. The ceremony, attended by over 100 people connected to the board, formed part of LDPB's Annual General Meeting.

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Local Stroke Clubs receive Optalis donation

On Tuesday January 7, representatives from three local stroke clubs visited Optalis' Head Office at Trinity Court to be presented with donation cheques.