Short Term Support and Reablement Team (START) Seniors now qualified Trusted Assessors
15 January 2024
In a significant move towards enhancing the Short Term Support and Reablement service our START Seniors have all completed the Trusted Assessors Course. This innovative approach aims to reduce delays when people are ready to be discharged from hospital and return home.
The START service supports people to retain or regain their skills and confidence following an injury or period of illness. The five Trusted Assessors, who are also Senior Reablement Support Workers, have undergone specialised training to assess for and provide simple aids and equipment, which help keep people safe and living independently at home.
Seniors can now select suitable equipment, considering the individual's needs and home environment. The range of low level equipment that the trusted assessor can prescribe includes chair and bed raisers, bath boards and grab rails. They also know when to refer to an Occupational Therapist for further assessment. This initiative marks a significant stride towards enhancing the overall well-being and independence of people on their journey to recovery.
The support provided to Mr Stone*, is a recent example of how the team have been able to provide timely support with positive outcomes. When recovering from a fall at home he needed support in the morning to get out of bed safely. The team were able to order bed raisers and a bed lever. This adjustment means that Mr Stone is now able to get out of his divan bed which he shares with his wife, without any support from the team. He was also provided with a perching stool to allow him to shower on his own.
Another example is Mrs Shelley*, who had a drop-down seat ordered for her shower cubicle. This means that Mrs Shelley is now able to shower in privacy. She told the team that she is impressed with what she has been able to achieve.
Sameer Kishore, START Registered Manager concludes
“Our Trusted Assessors add to our reablement support, offering people timely assessments and deployment of equipment for people to begin their recovery journey at home, offering improved outcomes and reducing delayed hospital discharges.”
*Names changed
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