The Day the Seaside came to Winston Court!
30 September 2020
After weeks of preparation and art sessions, finally, our seaside day arrived!!! Despite lockdown, all the residents of Winston Court enjoyed one of the best virtual days ever, all dressed up and ready to go in seaside gear.
The trip began when everyone boarded the virtual bus with much singing “we’re all going on a summer holiday”.
On ‘arrival’ people entered the garden decorated with lanterns and a backdrop of a palm tree and a beach area.
There was a lot of fun in the sun including snapping pictures, laying on beach towels and lilos, creating sandcastles or taking a paddle in our pool.
The day was complemented with a fish and chips lunch, fun seaside games with boat races, ball games, an ice cream stall and the fantastic candy floss machine.
The whole day was packed with seaside sensory stimulation from start to finish and with much relaxation, fun and laughter so it will be remembered forever.
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Santa Maria (Independent Living Service) spruce up their garden
The staff at Santa Maria wanted to make the back garden a more attractive and desirable place to spend time, relax and enjoy the summer. The team set about clearing the garden; cutting down diseased trees, clearing and replanting the vegetable garden.