This Volunteers Week Carly is sharing her volunteering story
01 June 2022
Carly volunteers at Optalis head office every Thursday. She helps with general office admin tasks from filing, archiving, shredding, binding, printing and preparing induction packs to video recordings. Carly provides a helping hand to the Independent Living Service team, helping to keep office tasks under control.
Carly explains how she began her volunteering: “I knew that another person was working at the office. I asked Clive if he had any work that I could do because I wanted to do more things. He offered me volunteering office work.
Wanting to take on new tasks with no pressure, Carly chose to take on the volunteering role “At first, I started with my support staff, but after a while I started doing it on my own.”
Describing what she gets back from her volunteering work, Carly explains “I like helping people and seeing loads of people. I like working and saying hello and have a chat with and talking to Jane, Charlotte and Ali and others in the office.
Clive Tyndale, Registered Manager of the Independent Living Service Wokingham, added “I’d like to take this opportunity to say a massive thanks to Carly, her invaluable efforts and time help the team tremendously and we all really appreciate all the help she gives us. She always has a positive attitude and attention to detail, which greatly benefits the rest of the team.

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