Accessible Information Standard

Getting information that you can understand from health and social care services

Easy Read Information About the Accessible Information Standard

The Accessible Information Standard is a law that says organisations that provide health and social care services must make sure that people with a disability, impairment and sensory loss get information in a way they can understand. This standard means that organisations have to:

  • Ask - Find out if a person has any communication or information needs and if so what they are.
  • Record those needs in a clear way. This can be done on a computer or on paper.
  • Make sure that a person’s needs stand out in their records.
  • Include information about a person’s communication needs when sharing other information about them.
  • Make sure people get information which they can use and understand.

When you get a service from Optalis we will:

  1. Ask you what support you need
    1. We will ask you when you join our service.
    2. We will also ask you at your review meeting.
    3. We want to know what will help you to communicate better with your support team and other people in your life. 
    4. You can talk to your support team at any time about how you want and need to be communicated with.
  2. We will record what support you need
    We will write this in your
    1. Care and support plan
    2. Communication passport
    3. Computer record
  3. We will make sure the right people know what support you need
    Everyone who supports you will be able to see how to best to help you communicate and how to give you information in a way you can understand.

  4. We will share information about your communication needs.
    When sharing other information about you, we will include how best to support your information and communication needs.

  5. We will make sure you get information that you can use and understand.
    For example, information in easy read or large print